Welcome to St. Mark!  Thank you for visiting our website.  St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Christ centered community which embraces the teachings of Jesus Christ as is written in the Bible.  We are a loving family of God who is traveling along the path laid out for us by God.         

Reverend Harrison Gapter 

Vacation Bible School is offered every summer!

Choirs (Men’s and Mixed)  We practice on Sunday mornings after church.  We sing at different times throughout the year.  Come and join us as we sing praises to our Lord. 

Every Sunday we have a brief kids’ sermon during the church service.  This gives the kids a chance to listen to a message intended just for them!

St. Mark’s Stitches of Hope makes stocking caps, scarves, bandanas, turbans, knockers, headbands and Anti-Ouch Pouches for cancer and burn patients. This year we distributed our handywork to anyone who needed them, and the rest went to the Cancer Center located at Parkview Hospital in Ft. Wayne, IN.